For some time now, Lloyd Chambers has been pointing out some serious problems with Apple’s OS X operating system. Where it used to be the case that Apple produced excellent software, it now looks like the company places a higher priority on appearance than functionality. This is the main reason why I’ve stayed with an older version of Mac OS X (10.6.8) as my main operating system. It’s the platform underlying my image processing workflow, and I want it to be rock solid.
Just a few days ago, Backblaze discovered that an update to Adobe’s Creative Cloud software deletes the first folder on the user’s computer! (News courtesy of Thom Hogan.) Thankfully, Adobe appears to have fixed the problem quickly, but this is another example of newer software not necessarily being an improvement on older software. My image processing programs are my tools, every bit as much as my lenses, cameras, and monitor. I don’t need them to be fancy; I want them to be reliable.
On a different note, and quite separate from the issue of quality, I’ve long thought that Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool has one of the most amusing names in computing. It is, of course, a tool for removing malicious software, such as computer viruses—but to the uninitiated, it could just as easily be read as being a malicious tool …
Honestly, Apple used to have great software and great hardware. I don’t think that either is now good enough to warrant the price tag, especially given the disadvantages such as more restricted software support (although this has definitely improved) and the machines being harder to upgrade.
I might be biased, of course. And some Apple items have sufficient advantages for users with specific needs that are supported by these advantages. Specifically, I’ve heard that Apple computers are probably still the best for image and video editing. Possibly for type-setting as well. Anything else I’ve missed?
It wouldn’t surprise me if Apple (OS X) has lost significant market share to Microsoft (Windows) in the creative arts domain over the past few years. Only a decade or two ago, it would have been almost unheard of for a creative arts professional to be using an IBM PC clone instead of a Macintosh, but I think the situation is quite different now. That said, familiarity counts for a lot. If you’re used to using OS X, it would probably need a major annoyance to make you change to another operating system (and vice versa). The same applies to camera systems, and any other type of work tool, I’d expect.